October 2022

Homemade Dog Treat Recipe

These homemade treats are a favorite in my house. There are only 3 ingredients and you do not bake these treats! Ingredients needed: 1 and 1/4 cup natural PeanutButter (no artificial sweeteners or hydrogenated oils) 1/3 cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt 2 and 1/2 cups rolled oats Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Mix […]

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Boarding or a Pet Sitter?

There are numerous articles and blogs out there stating the pros and cons of a boarding facility vs a pet sitter so I am not going to bore you with repeating that content, instead I will give you my professional veterinarian opinion and discuss some key facts that you may not be aware of… Sure,

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Is My Cat Fat?

Overweight cats are more prone to early osteoarthritis, diabetes, and cancer to name a few. It is very important for your cat to maintain a healthy weight. So…IS your cat fat? Does your cat have a pendulous belly? Does your cat have multiple chins? Does it look like your cats’ legs are getting shorter? If

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